Bitty-Baby RaglanPullover
Red Heart Sport Weight yarn
US #2 and #4 6 double-pointed needles, #4 (16-in) cable needle, 2 stitch holders.
Start at collar on #2 needles: c/o 60 sts. Join and work K1, P1 or K2, P2 ribbing for 5 or 6 rows. Do not make it too wide as Bitty has no neck.
Change to #4 sock needles for yoke.
Round 1: K 10, pm, K 20, pm, K 10, pm, K20, place marker of a contrasting color.
Round 2: Increase row (I use bar type increase). *inc in first st, work to within 2 sts of marker, increase, K 1, pm* Repeat between *'s three times, pass contrast marker. (8 sts added)
Round 3; Knit even. Change to #4 16-inch cable needle when you have enough stitches to work comfortably.
Repeat rounds 2 and 3 until there are 24 sts on each sleeve and 34 sts on front and on back.
Dividing round: Knit even. After knitting each 24-stitch sleeve, stop and place stitches on holder and continue to knit round to contrast marker.
Join body round: As your work this round, drop all markers except the contrast marker. C/O 6 sts at first gap left by sleeve. Continue working around, casting on 6 sts at second gap. Continue to contrast marker. (=80 sts)
Continue working on the body. Bitty Baby will take about 12 – 14 rounds. Then change to #2 needles and rib bottom cuff in same style as neck. Cast off.
Sleeve: Using #4 sock needles pick up 24 sts from holder, plus 8 sts from underarm (the 6 C/O sts, plus an extra stitch at each end of underarm). Arrange stitches on needles so that the first extra picked up stitch will be at the end of third needle. Join yarn at the first of the cast-on stitches. K 6 sts, knit 7th and 8th sts together. Continue knitting around and knit together the last 2 stitches of the third needle.
Knit 2 rounds.
Decrease round: K 6, K 2 tog, work around and K last 2 sts together.
Work 2 rounds even.
Repeat decrease round. Continue decreasing every 3rd round until 24 sts remain. Work even to desired length (about 8 – 10 more rounds on 24 sts for Bitty).
Change to smaller needles and work cuff to match neck style.